Dear Customer,

As you may have heard via trade media, following the administration of HW Architectural Ltd on the 8th May 2019, the company was purchased out of administration as a new company on 31st May by a team of new private investors.

I am writing to introduce myself as one of the new investors and as the General Manager of Heywood Williams Architectural (Trading as HWA).

We have established a core team and we are proactively pursuing works in aluminium windows, doors, curtain walling and facades, particularly but not exclusively in the retail and service station markets.

Our strategy is to build from the solid foundation of our history in these markets, servicing your valued custom to the standards and quality you are accustomed to from the team and current facility at Birds Royd Lane, Brighouse.

Let me introduce the Team:

I am sure, like us, you welcome the reinstatement of such a recognisable brand in the market, we are delighted with the acquisition and look forward to working closely with you.

To exceed your expectations in the service and quality of our design, manufacture and install proposition.

If my team or I can be of any assistance please do get in touch on 01484 717677

Yours Sincerely

Mr Lee Whittaker

General Manager

Heywood Williams Architectural Ltd